22 August 2007

香港特別行政區 v. 黃鑾堅HCMA664/2007

S’s words:-

When I was reading the first paragraph of this judgment, I formed a bias view against the Appellant. However, his appeal was allowed. The Appellant had relied on “exceptional hardship” to convince the Court. I believe the Judge in this case had paid some sympathy to the Appellant, and in particular, the factor of his mother. In other words, we cannot say that the Magistrate gave a wrong decision.

--- quote from judgment ---

裁決日期 2007815

上訴人於2005 2 6 日至2007 1 26 日期間因違例駕駛被記滿15 分。裁判官應運輸署的申請,按香港法例第 375 章《道路交通(違例駕駛記分)條例》第 8 條,下令取消上訴人的駕駛資格,為期6 個月。上訴人現就該項命令提出不服判處的上訴。

上訴人再次因記滿15 分而被停牌,除非裁判官或法庭認為有額外的情況,否則必須按照法例規定取消駕駛資格6 個月。上訴人所倚賴的就是「極度困苦」(exceptional hardship)的情況。

「極度困苦」並非指極端程度的困苦,而是指有異於一般或常軌的困苦(參閱香港特別行政區訴江德安 [1999] 1 HKC 399HKSAR v. Chan Po Wah, Richard Oliver, HCMA193/2000)



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